Erfahre in dieser Masterclass, wie du den Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) durch eine präzise Omnichannel-Strategie signifikant steigern kannst. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Herausforderung, Daten effektiv nutzbar zu machen und in personalisierte Marketing-Aktivitäten zu verwandeln. Entdecke, wie du mit einer Customer Data Platform (CDP) deine Daten optimal aufbereitest und schneller datengestützte Kampagnen aufsetzt - mit dem Ziel, langfristige Kundenbeziehungen aufzubauen. Anhand verschiedener Fallbe...
@ Brevo
Patrick Brück serves as Head of Sales DACH at Brevo. With a wealth of expertise in marketing, customer relationship management, and business development, Patrick helps organizations choose the right tools to enhance their customer relationships. Leading the sales team of Brevo in the DACH market, he...
2-day B2B Expo & Conference for e-commerce
Event date
E-commerce Berlin Expo is free to attend for retailers and brands. We deliberately restrict the attendee count to enable truly impactful networking opportunities.
Explore the agenda for both event days - February 19 and 20. The conference will run across 5 stages simultaneously. Our talks are scheduled in either English or German. The language information can be found at the beginning of each talk’s title.
E-commerce Berlin Expo is free to attend for retailers and brands. We deliberately restrict the attendee count to enable truly impactful networking opportunities.
Event date