
National and international packaging licensingIn Europe, the so-called extended producer responsibility (EPR) applies, which makes manufacturers and distributors of goods also responsible for their recycling and the associated costs. Since there is no central EU licensing body, the European Packaging Directive, the WEEE Directive and the Battery Directive are implemented in the national laws of the member countries. This poses particular challenges for manufacturers and distributors.Basically, it is (almost) impossible for you as an affected party to fulfill your licensing obligations in a legally compliant manner without the help of experts. In cooperation with our sister company Zentek Services GmbH & Co. KG, we offer you a full service in the field of national and international packaging licensing.

Join over 11,000 participants

2-day B2B Expo & Conference for e-commerce

  • 19 & 20th FEBRUARY 2025

    Event date

  • 9:00-17:00


  • STATION Berlin, Luckenwalder Str. 4-6


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You can choose from the following exhibition space categories - Standard, Hot, Super Hot, Ultra, Grand, Premium Grand. See the current prices by clicking on the stands in the map below (the darker the color, the better the location and the higher the price).
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Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask!
Noel Graf
+49 305 201 51 10
Lucas Zarna
+49 176 316 244 92
  • STATION Berlin, Luckenwalder Str. 4-6


  • 19 & 20th FEBRUARY 2025

    Event date