
Pickware is a comprehensive e-commerce ERP system that has been specially developed to meet the requirements of online retailers. This software enables the centralized management of products, orders and stock from various sales channels such as online stores, marketplaces and offline stores. The integration of shipping service providers and barcode scanners in the warehouse automates the shipping process, returns processing and inventory. Other functions include invoicing, DATEV integration and supplier management.

Pickware is available for the shop systems Shopware and Shopify.

Key products

Key features of Pickware:

  • Centralized management: Easily manage products, orders, and inventory across various sales channels, streamlining operations.
  • Shipping optimization: Integrate shipping providers and automate shipping with mobile barcode scanners, speeding up order processing and reducing errors.
  • Warehouse management: Precise inventory control using mobile barcode scanners ensures efficient stock tracking.
  • Returns management: Efficiently handle returns for a seamless customer experience.
  • Invoicing: Automate invoice creation and management.
  • DATEV Integration: Simplify accounting with DATEV integration, reducing manual effort and errors.
  • Supplier and purchasing management: Optimize procurement processes for smoother operations.

More information under: pickware.de


Booth location

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Join over 11,000 participants

2-day B2B Expo & Conference for e-commerce

  • 19 & 20th FEBRUARY 2025

    Event date

  • 9:00-17:00


  • STATION Berlin, Luckenwalder Str. 4-6


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Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask!
Noel Graf
+49 305 201 51 10
Lucas Zarna
+49 176 316 244 92
  • STATION Berlin, Luckenwalder Str. 4-6


  • 19 & 20th FEBRUARY 2025

    Event date