ODOSCOPE is the most efficient personalization solution for displaying relevant content. As a Customer Engagement Platform, ODOSCOPE helps e-commerce companies to sell their products in a targeted and profitable way through scalable personalization and AI-powered merchandising. The platform enables user data to be analyzed in real time with personalized product recommendations and optimized product sorting to be provided based on this.
Both known and unknown users are taken into account without the need for cookies or third-party data.
By combining personalization and product sorting, ODOSCOPE harmonizes the needs of store visitors with the business goals of the online store. The platform offers intuitive user interfaces for managing store strategies, enables A/B testing and provides detailed analyses of assortment performance. In addition, ODOSCOPE is fully GDPR compliant and operates its own private cloud in certified German data centres, ensuring data sovereignty and transparency ...
Personalization, Analytics, Merchandising, AI, Real-Time, Product List Sorting, Search Result Sorting, Display Ads, Newsletter, Recommendations, Category Listing, , Discovery
2-day B2B Expo & Conference for e-commerce
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