<p>Ingold Solutions is a Software and Services business dedicated to simplifying complex business functions into reliable and transformational services, exclusively for the retail sector.As an SAP Silver Partner, Ingold Solutions plays a key role in digitally transforming organisations of all sizes across the retail industry to run business smoothly.Our experienced team specialises in SAP Business One as the main ERP system platform to the retailers. Our mission is to provide SAP solutions to our customers to have a sharper competitive edge in the retail industry and stand out in competition.With Adobe Commerce, we make management easier for both B2B and B2C store owners with a simpler workflow and a seamless customer experience. Our expertise as a certified Google Agency Partner of Google Ads ensures more leads and double the conversion rate as compared to traditional marketing methods.Our clients’ success is our top priority. We consider our client’s satisfaction as the main metric t...
Key products
<ul><li>ERP Solutions Powered by SAP Business One</li><li>E-Commerce by Adobe Commerce</li><li>Data-driven Digital Marketing</li><li>Powerful Social media campaigns</li><li>Personalized And Responsive Website Designs</li><li>Impactful Graphic Design &amp; Print Media</li></ul>

Join over 11,000 participants

2-day B2B Expo & Conference for e-commerce

  • 19 & 20th FEBRUARY 2025

    Event date

  • 9:00-17:00


  • STATION Berlin, Luckenwalder Str. 4-6


Book a stand for the 2-day show

Join the top industry players and connect with targeted customers

You can choose from the following exhibition space categories - Standard, Hot, Super Hot, Ultra, Grand, Premium Grand. See the current prices by clicking on the stands in the map below (the darker the color, the better the location and the higher the price).
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They trusted us


Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask!
Noel Graf
+49 305 201 51 10
Lucas Zarna
+49 176 316 244 92
  • STATION Berlin, Luckenwalder Str. 4-6


  • 19 & 20th FEBRUARY 2025

    Event date