Vote to identify the best conference topics

Voting ends on October 18, 2024, at 16:59 Berlin time

  • Entries are collected in 9 categories.
  • Public votes are gathered to identify the best topics.
  • Each Internet user can cast one vote per category (only one vote is allowed per IP address).
  • The top 5 in each category advance to the Advisory Board for review.
  • The Advisory Board selects one winner in each category.
  • NEW: Wildcard Selection - The Advisory Board can separately select up to 20 standout proposals, regardless of public vote count, to present on stage.


Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask!
Noel Graf
+49 305 201 51 10
Lucas Zarna
+49 176 316 244 92
  • Messe Berlin


  • 17 & 18th FEBRUARY 2026

    Event date